Good things to know
transitional age youth
Who are Transitional Age Youth (TAY)
Encompass Youth has defined the TAY we serve as 14 – 24 years. Although we will always be flexible at either end of that range when needed.
In mental health systems, the term transitional aged youth (TAY) has historically been associated with youth and young adults at high risk of poor transition outcomes due to complex needs, lack of a support system, and multiple challenges.
Many have lived a life filled with trauma, chaos, and instability. They have faced the challenges of abuse, mental health issues, poverty, homelessness, and abandonment to name a few. Other definitions focus on the term as youth “aging out” of the Foster Care System.
Encompass Youth is committed to the broad spectrum of needs for this vulnerable population of young people, who are at a pivotal point in their lives, in order that we can ensure they have the support and resources they need at any point.

Recent LTCC and Rising Scholars graduate
Richard Salazar, speaks with youth
Students from Mt. Tallac HS and Blue Ridge Court School at the Juvenile Treatment Center recently enjoyed hearing from recent Lake Tahoe Community College graduate Richard Salazar. Richard’s involvement with the California Justice system began when he was just 14 and continued for 20 years. He shared with each group his journey that led him to where he is today: a young man committed to continuing to further his education and giving back to young people. Richard recently received his AA from LTCC, and is currently taking a full schedule to earn his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, with plans to continue with a Masters Degree. His message to the youth was heartfelt and powerful: continue your education, believe in yourself, accept support from others, and don’t let your past define who you are and can be today.
“The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand”.
~ Frank Herbert